Outsource Trade Group, export management unit, specializes in the trade of military, defense and aerospace products and components. We act as an export intermediary. -Acting as your export department by managing the entire international trade process. This approach requires limited use of a firm’s time and resources in building an export business. You will have relatively few out-of-pocket costs. We look forward to acquiring and aiding companies in these industries with expanding their market base.
Some of the products we specialize in are:
Aircraft -Commercial *Aircraft Military * Aircraft Engines-Commercial *Aircraft Engines-Military* Helicopter-Commercial *Helicopter-Military* Space* Ground Defense* Satellites* Missile Guidance and Control Systems Information Systems Aerospace* Information Systems-Military/Defense* Electronics-Military/Defense* Surface Ships Submarines* Global Positioning Systems* Nuclear Detection* Military Vehicles and Tanks Search,*Detection and Navigation Weapons* Personal Protection-Military/Defense* Military Surveillance* Engineering Services- Aerospace Engineering Services: Military/Defense